Garden Management
Management: garden management is a non-profit community garden structure, managed by the Erindale Neighbourhood Garden Committee under the auspices of Tuggeranong Uniting Church, a registered charitable institution (ABN 30 041 183 691). The theme for the garden is inclusion. All garden members are encouraged to put forward ideas for garden development, and regular opportunities to provide input into garden operations will be available through meetings.
The Erindale Neighbourhood Garden Plan of Management (available from Garden Co-Ordinator) sets out the Vision, Management and Policies relating to the garden.
Fees: As this is a non-profit community garden, fees are very low at $50 per 2.4m x 1.2m plot annually (or $25 for 1.44sq m) - just sufficient to cover water use and basic maintenance.

Code of conduct: to ensure that garden users are able to enjoy this community space, a simple plain English code of conduct for garden users is in place. All garden members are asked to respect this code.
Erindale Neighbourhood Garden General Code of Conduct
This community garden is a shared community space, managed by the Erindale Neighbourhood Garden Management Group. We welcome participation in the garden by all community members, groups and associations as well as visitors to the area. When participating in the garden activities, or if simply enjoying a visit to our garden, please abide by the Garden Code of Conduct set out below.
Participants in the garden are asked to be respectful of other gardeners and not to act in a way that could spoil the enjoyment of this place for others.
Any gardening activities undertaken in the community garden should done in consultation with the garden Coordinator. This includes activities at garden workshops, garden working bees, garden events and other activities.
For safety reasons gardeners working alone should only undertake light gardening tasks appropriate to their abilities.
All garden tools and equipment should be used only for the job they are designed and returned to the shed clean and in good condition at the end of the gardening activities.
Pests and diseases in the garden are managed in line with Integrated Pest Management principles i.e. natural, environmental and biological controls are the preferred methods used. The use of harmful chemicals in the garden is not encouraged.
Gardeners will not introduce prohibited, restricted or diseased plants to the garden.
Visitors and non-gardening members of our community are welcome to spend time in the garden enjoying this space.
Organised public gatherings are permitted in the garden, subject to permission being obtained from the Garden Management Group. Please contact the garden Coordinator for details.
Local school groups are invited to utilise the garden as an outdoor classroom. A dedicated garden space can be made available for a period of time if required. Please contact the garden Coordinator to make arrangements.
All activities in the garden must be conducted in a safe manner and in daylight hours.
Garden activities are structured to be accessible to persons of limited abilities. Pathways and access routes should be kept clear to ensure there are no physical barriers to participation.
General rubbish bins are not provided and visitors and members need to take out their own non-organic refuse as they leave. Organic refuse can be included in the garden compost materials bay (no dairy or meat).